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Design app and desktop

Dominica Fee Calculator



The Dominica Fee Calculator is a digital tool designed to enhance the understanding of the CBI program. The problem lies in the difficulty of determining the potential fees for an applicant, given the wide range of applicant types that can be included based on age and social situation.

Context :

The main objective was to offer consumers an efficient tool for comparing and calculating costs. Due to the complexity of the product, my challenge was to transform complex data into understandable graphics and visualizations, which would allow users to evaluate at a glance the most suitable options for their needs.

My role :

As a designer, I was responsible for creating the app’s interface, ensuring that the design was both functional and aesthetically pleasing. I was in charge of conceptualizing and developing the user interface (UI) and interactions (UX), focusing on navigation clarity and easy understanding of benchmark results to improve the user experience.

The Problem

The Dominica Fee Calculator is a digital tool designed to enhance the understanding of the CBI program. The problem lies in the difficulty of determining the potential fees for an applicant, given the wide range of applicant types that can be included based on age and social situation.



A research study was conducted based on phone inquiries from potential clients who called expressing interest in the investment programs. Online surveys were also carried out, and user behavior on the website, newsletter, and other platforms was analyzed.


In order to synthesize and explain the product, a process-focused interface categorized into different steps was chosen:


Step 1:

The user will be able to choose which members he wants to add to the application as long as the program allows it.


Step 2:

The user will be able to see which options suit him/her best within the same program.


Step 3

After entering the above details, the user will be able to calculate and access a personalized cost table to determine the best option. They will also have the option to print the table, download it and contact the company.


Below you can see a chart showing the different categories of the process:



The following sketches show what the phase prior to the design stage was like. A first approach to the interface can be observed.


Color palette and fonts

Colors similar to the brand were chosen but slightly saturated in order to achieve better performance as a digital application.


Resultado final

The end result of both the interface and the user experience is attractive, easy to understand and modern.


To promote the new application, various banners and digital posters were created for different campaigns on social media platforms.

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