You can find some of the videos I produced for different purposes and using different techniques on this page.
Social media campaigns
These three videos aimed to promote a limited-time offer on social media and Google campaigns. I used an application named "Synthesia" to create an avatar so the information was easier to deliver with a personal human touch. The two short videos where used on Linkedin and Youtube campaigns to promote them respectively.
Felicitaciones navideñas
It is always fun to create any design to celebrate Christmas and New year's Eve. On this occasion, I designed one for each day, having in mind two important things, they had to be on brand and they should refer to the specific celebrations. This is perfect example to appreciate the promotion of one product throughout three different brands.
Video promocional
On this occasion, I worked closely with the digital team to create the perfect video to showcase the Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Programme. The purpose was to promote the program on Google and YouTube campaigns. For this reason, I created this video covering all the relevant program information. An essential requirement was that the beginning was strong enough to prevent the user from skipping it.
Explanatory infographic
The digital team requested the creation of a video to promote the processing guidebook of St Kitts and Nevis. The aim was to send viewers to a landing page where they could fill up a form and download the guide. The video was used in various digital campaigns and as organic content on social media.
Promotion on application networks
This video was part of the promotion of a fee calculator. The digital tool was to created to break down the list of the different fees to potential clients. For this campaign, I created a promotional video explaining how the digital tool works.
Infografía explicativa
How to add dependents for Dominica's program is a very difficult subject to understand. For this reason, I created this case study where I broke down all the different options.
Promotional video on social media
This is a short video for social media promoting how the island of Dominica ranked number one on the CBI Index 2022 report.
Promotional video on social networks
In this video I promoted the B2B market, showing the benefits of becoming partners. The video explains and showcases all the process the potential partners would need to go through. The style is a combination of selected footage clips and graphics that make together the perfect combination to keep the viewer watching.
Brand introduction video
This video was the main asset to be used on a digital campaign promoting the #dynamicdominica across social media platforms. In the video, I covered all the real estate options the island of Dominica offers.
B2B Networks Campaign
In this video I promoted the B2B market, showing the benefits of becoming partners. The video explains and showcases all the process the potential partners would need to go through. The style is a combination of selected footage clips and graphics that make together the perfect combination to keep the viewer watching.
I designed a strong and fast warning to let potential clients on social media know that a limited-time offer will expire soon. I used a strong color palette, with dynamic transitions combining footage, graphics and text to catch the viewers' attention.
Explanatory infographic
In this video, I showcase all the benefits of second citizenship. The video was created to be added to the YouTube channel and posted on different social media platforms. I used a full cartoon style for the graphics and combined the color palette and typography of the brand. Having solid and bold colors and fonts made the video stand out on social media while respecting the essence of the brand's identity.
Promotional video
This is a short video for social media promoting how the island of Dominica ranked number one on the CBI Index 2022 report.
Explanatory infographic
UDLive is a digital sewer that sends you an alert letting you know when it is full of water. The sewer is linked to an application previously downloaded on your phone. The purpose was to introduce the product to the council so they could upgrade with this new technology the old sewers in the area
Residency vs. Citizenship
This video is a case study where I explain throughout different cases what the difference between citizenship, residence and tax residence is.